sâmbătă, 20 septembrie 2014

Young people’s placements for durable integretion into the European labour market Program Leonardo da Vinci 2000 - 2006 project RO l2006 /PL97144 lE

Era o zi friguroasa, cand, ma cheama directoarea si-mi spune " Olimpia, pleci tu cu elevii in Olanda". Am fost de acord . In zilele ce au urmat am contactat elevii, le-am spus care vor fi regulile in proiect si pe data de 8 martie ( ziua femeii) am plecat spre aeroportul Otopeni. Elevii mei nu mai zburasera cu avionul niciodata si ma intrebau " Dar daca vom cadea cu avionul?", iar eu le raspundeam  " Nici o problema, voi cadea si eu cu voi ." Halal raspuns, dar se pare ca i-am incurajat si in avion  nu mai tineau manere de la scaune asa de strans cu mana, mai ales cand au venit stewardezele sa serveasca micul dejun. In felul acesta nici nu si-au dat seama cand am aterizat pe aeroportul Schipoli din Amsterdam. Acolo, ne astepta Wim Franssen, partenerul nostru olandez, care ne-a suit in tren si ne-am indreptat cu totii spre Bergem op Zoom, o localitate aproape de frontiera cu Belgia. In gara ne asteptau alti doi profesori cu doua microbuze pentru a ne duce la locul de cazare. Stupoare ! Am fost cazati in mijlocul unei paduri, intr-o fosta cazarma militara, devenita apoi un centru de recreere pentru copiii cu dizabilitati, la Bergen ob Zoom. Bucataria se afla in curte, intr-un cort inalt care avea fermoar la usa ( semana cu corturile indienilor din America) si care avea toate dotarile necesare. 
Elevii mei  impreuan cu mine am primit echipament de protectie pentru ca urma sa lucram in atelierele de instalatii impreuna cu tinerii olandezi.  Prima zi a trecut, ne-am acomodat cu noul spatiu de cazare.  Am impartit elevii in camere si apoi m-am dus la bucatarie. Frigiderul era gol. Trebuia sa ma duc la cumparaturi. L-am rugat pe unul din profesorii olandezi sa ma duca la un supermarket apropiat. Elevii erau morti de foame dupa atata drum. Am plecat cu profesorul, am facut cumparaturile necesare, dar cand sa platesc, nu puteam decat cash. Aveam un card cu mine, dar bani cash nu. M-a imprumutat Coor Mas, profesorul olandez cu bani, am platit si apoi ne-am intors la " baza ". Elevii ma asteptau cum asteptau tiganii pe Ion Creanga sa le duca de mancarea in camp. Numai ca, inainte de a aseza bunatatile pe masa le-am propus sa se organizeze in grupe de cate trei elevi pe zi care sa ma ajute in bucatarie. Au facut o lista pe care au lipit-o pe frigider si pe care au respectat-o pana la sfarsit. Nici unul din ei nu a comentat ca nu vrea sa spele vasele, sau sa mature, sau sa curete zarzavaturile chiar daca acasa ei nu au facut asemenea " munci". Ce s-au mai ospatat apoi cu bunatatile pe care le-am cumparat !
A doua zi au venit cei doi profesori cu cele doua microbuze sa ne duca la Breda, la colegiul Radius unde urma sa ne desfasuram activitatile din proiect. Am vizitat salile de clasa, laboratoarele, cancelaria profesorilor si  atelierele.Coor Mas, unul din profesorii olandezi, le-a prezentat atelierul, sculele, aparatele, materialele pe care le foloseau la instruirea practica. Elevii mei au fost foarte surprinsi de ceea ce au vazut. Au fost impartiti pe echipe mixte romano-olandeze si au inceput sa lucreze impreuna. Profesorii olandezi au fost impresionati de elevii romani cat de constiinciosi sunt si cat de bine stiau sa lucreze. Pauza de pranz am avut-o in sala de mese imensa de care vorbeam mai inainte, iar elevii mei au fost surprinsi ca trebuiau sa bea supa din niste cani cu gura larga, ca niste castronele. Fara taitei, paste sau galuste. Pur si simplu un lichid caruia ei ii spuneau supa. Apoi au venit sandwich-urile care aveau ingrediente cam ciudate si gustul cam ciudat. Asa am avut primul contact cu o scoala olandeza. Elevii aveau o sala de mese imensa unde luau pranzul uitandu-se pe un ecran mare de televizor la emisiuni muzicale in limba olandezaDe foame am mancat toti si apoi ne-am intors la programul de munca pana la ora 17, cand ne-am intors cu microbuzele la locul de cazare ( 100 km distanta). Acolo am trecut la bucatarie cu elevii care erau de serviciu in acea zi si le-am gatit o oala de 20 litri de ciorba de perisoare si friptura cu cartofi la cuptor. Au mancat saracii si-mi spuneau " Doamna profesoara, in sfarsit am mancat si noi astazi ". De, era o experienta si pentru ei in a vedea ca nu peste tot e ca acasa. Asa au urmat toate ziele primei saptamani, iar duminica am fost in vizita la Marea Nordului. Frumos, dar batea vantul cam tare. Am trecut peste cel mai lung pod din Europa de 5 km lungime, am vazut " portile " construite de olandezi pentru a controla nivelul apei marii. 

In cea de-a treia duminica am vizitat Amsterdam-ul cu ajutorul unei romance, jurnalist la radio Romania Actulitati, Claudia Marcu. Ne intalnisem cu cateva zile in urma, cand ea venise sa ne ia un interviu. Interesant a fost faptul ca am inceput interviul in limba engleza, ea nestiind ca eu eram romanca. In momentul in care ea m-a intrebat " De unde sunteti ?" si eu i-am spus " Din Romania " ea a facut ochii mari si mi-a spus in romaneste " Haideti doamna sa vorbim romaneste !" Interviul l-am dat in limba romana atat eu, cat si elevii mei. Asa ne-am imprietenit si ea ne-a propus sa venim la Amsterdam unde ne putea arata locuri interesante. Asa ca, in cea de-a treia duminica ne-am suit in tren si am plecat la Amsterdam. I se mai spune si mica Venetie pentru ca are multe canale. Am " vizitat " Amsterdamul din vaporas. M- a impresionat arhitectura constructiilor, a podurilor si parcarile imense de biciclete. Cred ca erau mii de biciclete in parcari.

joi, 18 septembrie 2014


I look at this photo with a great pleasure. In my mind are coming back images of every moment spent at Ommen, Holland in August this year. I met great people and I realized that it doesn't  matter from which country we are, the sufferings, the hopes, the fears we have all alike. I learned what means friendship, communication and collaboration. And more than that, I learned to understand people. Being a coach means to be human, to lean on the needs of your fellow gently with wisdom and respect and help them to answer at their questions. The coach helps you to find  solutions, not give you an advice. Not at all. You're just a guiding in discovery solution that alone your neighbor will find. Sometimes we need to talk to someone, to clear our minds and to find the power to make a decision in our life. At the beginning of training, I wondered, "What am I doing here?" Then I found  the answer. I had to leave the airport in Nice at 12.30 and to arrive at Schiphol airport at 14.30. Direct flight, no trouble, I told myself when I got ticket. It wasn't to be. When I arrived in Nice, France, at the airport, where they were displayed on the electronic scoreboard flights, the flight to Amsterdam was written  "Delyed". I didn't panicked, I kept my composure, objectivity and clear mind. I thought it was a prelude to what I will  study in the Netherlands in training. After 2 hours of waiting, the airport has organized a bus to transport us to the airport in Marseille. At 14.30 we went to Marseille and we arrived at 17. I had calculated this trip, but I learned that in life you can get all without wonder, without doing your thoughts. Before leaving Marseilles I called on the Dutches informing them that I will get me later and confirm if I  find a train from Schipol airport to reach Ommen. They confirmed me that I could take a train, so I got to Marseille with my heart in peace. The airport  was waiting for us, so, boarding procedures did not last long. We took off at 18 and at 20 I was already at the airport in Amsterdam. At 21.30 I took the train to Ommen and at 23.30 I arrived in this small town, but very cozy and very quiet. I spent days full of emotions, joys and discoverings at the  Olde Vechte Foundation with other participants from all over Europe and beyond:Italy, Hungary, Greece,Turkey, Romania, Latvia, Serbia,Portugal, Iran, Czech Republic, France, Lithuania, Belgium, Austria.


Together with all these wonderful young people I have learned that hard times can be ignored if you know and know in which phase you are.
Phase apathy - when you want death because nothing is going.

Phase  of pain- you feel the need to be helped by others because you can not do anything.

Phase of  fear - when we want to ask for help, but we are afraid to do for fear of pain.

Phase of  greed - you want to have and to  possess, but you have  hesitation. Hunger for money, fame.

Phase of  anger - when we are envious of others and we like to stop them.

Phase of  pride - when we want to maintain and control the situatiation.
Phase of  courage - when you have the power to take decisions without fear and hesitations.
Phase of  acceptance - when everything is ok, when it is. You enjoy everything and  you not judge anybody.
Phase of peace - when you are  full, turned, everyone and everything is part of you. Everything is perfect.



Guardo con piacere questa foto. Nella mia mente arrivano  le immagini di ogni momento trascorso a Ommen, in Olanda nel mese di agosto di quest'anno. Ho incontrato persone fantastiche e mi sono reso conto che non importa in quale paese siamo nati, le sofferenze, le speranze, le paure c'è l' abbiamo tutti. Ho imparato che cosa significa l'amicizia, la comunicazione e la collaborazione. E più di questo, ho imparato a capire le persone. Essere un coach significa essere umano, su cui appoggiarsi alle esigenze del vostro compagno delicatamente con saggezza e rispetto e contribuire a rispondere alle loro domande. Il coach aiuta trovare le  soluzioni, non da i consigli. Sei solo una guida nella soluzione di scoperta che solo il prossimo sarà. A volte abbiamo bisogno di parlare con qualcuno per cancellare le nostre menti e trovare la forza di prendere una decisione nella vita. All'inizio della formazione, mi sono chiesto, "Cosa ci faccio qui?" Allora , dopo, ho  trovato la risposta. Dovevo partire dal'aeroporto di Nizza alle ore 12.30 e arrivare all'aeroporto di Schipol alle 14.30. Volo diretto, senza problemi, mi sono  detta quando ho presso il ​​biglietto. Ma non è stato cosi. Quando sono arrivato a Nizza, in Francia, in aeroporto, dove sono stati esposti tutti  voli sul tabellone elettronico, il volo per Amsterdam è stato scritto  "Annullato". Non  fui presa dal panico, ho mantenuto la calma, l'obiettività e la mente chiara. Ho pensato che fosse un preludio a ciò che era a studiare in Olanda in formazione. Dopo 2 ore di attesa, l'aeroporto ha organizzato un autobus per trasportarci verso l'aeroporto di Marsiglia. Alle 14,30 siamo andati a Marsiglia e siamo arrivati ​​alle 17 ad aeroporto, ma ho imparato che nella vita tutto si può ottenere senza meraviglia, senza fare i miei pensieri. Prima di lasciare Marsiglia ho chiamato gli olandesi informandoli che arriverò  più tardi e confermare se si trova un treno dall'aeroporto di Schipol per raggiungere ad Ommen. Mi hanno confermato che avrei potuto prendere un treno, così ho avuto il cuore  in pace. L'aeroporto ci aspettavano a noi e le procedure di imbarco non durarono  a lungo. Siamo partiti  alle ore 18 e alle ore  20 ero già in aeroporto di Amsterdam. Alle 21.30 ho avuto  il treno per Ommen e alle 23.30 sono arrivata ​​in questa piccola città, ma molto accogliente e molto tranquilla. Ho trascorso giorni pieni di emozioni, gioie e scoperte a Fondazione di formazione Olde  Vechte con altri partecipanti provenienti da tutta l'Europa e oltre: Ilaria Massari (Italia), Elisa Pilatti  (Italia)  Krisz  Arvi Nagy (Ungheria), Karag Olga (Grecia), Korel Maral (Turchia), Cosmin Epureanu (Romania), Sintija Ludborza (Lettonia), Andrijana Radivojevic (Serbia), Cosmin Epure (Romania), São Simão Pedro (Portogallo), Abolfazl Vatanparst (Iran), Hana Svozilová (Repubblica Ceca), Lia Bonnemain (Francia), Lina Ognissanti (Lituania), Vasilis Karakasis (Grecia), Linea Ostyn (Belgio), Wolfi Wulfson (Austria), Olimpia Becheru ( Italia) ed i formatori: Lucie Bilderová (Repubblica Ceca), Tobias Gabor (Ungheria), Hannes Andreas (Grecia), Anna Cheimona (Grecia), Panagiotis Mamouzakis (Grecia), Robert van der Wolk (Paesi Bassi), Marco Vlaming (Paesi Bassi) - il  docente.

Insieme a tutti questi meravigliosi giovani ho imparato che i tempi duri possono essere ignorati se si conosce e si sa in  quale fase sei. 
La Fase di apatia - quando si desidera la morte perché nulla va.

La Fase di dolore - si sente il bisogno di essere aiutato da altri, perché non si può fare nulla, ma altri possono.

La Fase di paura - quando vogliamo chiedere aiuto, ma abbiamo paura di farlo per timore di dolore. 

La Fase di avidità - che si desidera avere e possedere, ma ci sono le  esitazioni. Fame di denaro, la fama, la rabbia .

La Fase di rabbia - quando siamo invidiosi degli altri e ci piace fermarli. 

La Fase di orgoglio - quando si vuole mantenere e controllare la  situazione. 

La Fase di coraggio - quando avete il potere di prendere decisioni senza paura e esitazioni. 

La Fase di accettazione - quando tutto è ok, quando è. Mi piace tutto e non giudico nessuno. La Fase di pace - quando sono pieno, contento, tutti e tutto fanno parte di me. Tutto è perfetto.

Allora, cari amici, oggi sono in grado di essere la vostra guida nella ricerca di soluzioni ai vari problemi della vita, lavoro, famiglia.

miercuri, 17 septembrie 2014


Privesc cu placere aceasta fotografie. In minte imi revin imaginile fiecarui moment petrecut la Ommen, in Olanda in luna august din acest an. Am intalnit oameni deosebiti si mi-am dat seama ca indiferent din ce tara proveneam, idealurile, suferintele, sperantele, temerile le avem toti, deopotriva. Am invatat ce este prietenia, ce inseamna comunicarea si colaborarea. Si mai mult decat atat, am invatat sa inteleg oamenii. A fi coach inseamna a fi uman, a te apleca asupra nevoilor semenilor tai cu delicatete, cu intelepciune si respect si a-i ajuta sa-si raspunda intrebarilor. Nu dai tu solutii, nu dai tu sfaturi. Nu, deloc. Esti doar un calauzitor in descoperirea solutiei pe care singur, semenul tau o va face. Uneori avem nevoie sa vorbim cu cineva pentru a ne limpezi gandurile si pentru a gasi puterea de a lua o decizie in viata. La inceputul trainingului m-am intrebat " Ce caut eu aici?", ca apoi sa gasesc si raspunsul. Trebuia sa plec de la aeroportul de la Nisa la ora 12,30 si sa ajung la aeroportul Schipol la ora 14,30. Zbor direct, fara incurcaturi, mi-am spus eu cand am luat biletul de avion. Nu a fost sa fie asa. Cand am ajuns la Nisa, in Franta, la aeroport, pe tabela electronica unde erau  afisate zborurile, in dreptul zborului spre Amsterdam era scris " Cancelled". Nu am intrat in panica, mi-am pastrat calmul, obiectivitatea si mintea clara. Parca era un preludiu la ceea ce urma sa invat in Olanda la training. Dupa 2 ore de asteptare, cei de la aeroport au organizat un autocar care sa ne transporte la aeroportul din Marsilia. La ora 14,30 am plecat spre Marsilia si am ajuns la ora 17. Nu aveam in calcul aceasta calatorie, dar am invatat ca in viata sa primesc tot ce vine,  fara sa ma mir,  fara sa-mi fac ganduri. Inainte de plecare la Marsilia i-am sunat pe cei din Olanda comunicandu-le ca voi ajunge mai tarziu si sa-mi confirme daca mai gasesc un tren de la aeroportul din Schipol  pentru a  ajunge la Ommen. Mi-au confirmat ca mai puteam lua un tren, asa incat am ajuns la Marsilia cu inima impacata. Cei de la aeroport ne asteptau, asa incat, procedurile de imbarcare nu au durat mult. Am decolat la ora 18 si la ora 20 eram deja la aeroportul din Amsterdam. La ora 21,30 am luat trenul spre Ommen si la ora 23,30 am ajuns in aceasta localitate mica, dar cocheta si foarte linistita. Aveam sa petrec zile pline de emotii, bucurii si descoperiri la Fundatia Olde Vechte alaturi de ceilalti participanti la training veniti din toate colturile Europei si nu numai : Ilaria Massari ( Italia), Elisa Pilatti ( Italia), Kriszi Arvi Nagy ( Ungaria ),   Karag Olga ( Grecia), Korel Maral ( Turcia),  Cosmin Epureanu ( Romania ), Sintija Ludborza( Letonia), Olimpia Becheru ( Italia), Andrijana Radivojevic ( Serbia), Catalina Vrabie ( Romania), Pedro São Simão ( Portugalia), Abolfazl Vatanparst ( Iran), Hana Svozilová ( Republica Ceha ), Lia Bonnemain ( Franta), Lina Allsaints ( Lituania ), Vasilis Karakasis ( Grecia), Line Ostyn ( Belgia), Wolfi Wulfson ( Austria ) si trainer : Lucie Bilderová ( Republica Ceha), Tobias Gabor ( Ungaria),  Andreas Hannes ( Grecia) , Anna Cheimona ( Grecia), Panagiotis Mamouzakis ( Grecia), Robert van der Wolk ( Olanda), Marco Vlaming ( Olanda)- lectorul trainingului.

Alaturi de toti acesti tineri minunati am invatat ca momentele grele pot fi trecute daca stii si esti constient in ce faza te afli.
Faza de apatie - cand iti doresti moartea pentru ca nimic nu merge.

Faza de durere- cand simti nevoia de a fi ajutat de altii pentru ca tu nu poti face nimic, dar altii pot.

Faza de teama - cand vrem sa cerem ajutorul, dar ne este teama sa o facem din cauza fricii de durere.

Faza de lacomie - cand dorim sa avem si sa posedam tot, dar cu ezitari. Foamea de bani, de renume, de recunoastere.

Faza de furie - cand suntem invidiosi pe altii si am dori sa-i oprim.

Faza de mandrie - cand dorim sa mentinem si sa controlam situatia.

Faza de curaj - cand avem puterea de a lua decizii fara teama si ezitari.

Faza de acceptare - cand totul este ok, cand totul este. Te bucuri de tot si nu judeci pe nimeni.

Faza de pace - cand eu sunt intreg, implinit, oricine si orice face parte din mine. Absolut totul este perfect.

marți, 28 ianuarie 2014


 Before leaving  Donja Stubai I didn't know , to my shame , anything  about Croatia . Preparation , agitation, flight booking , luggages , lists, presentation folders. A few days before departure I got in touch with those who were coming from other countries. I manage to agree with those who came from Cyprus and Bulgaria and to meet them at the airport in Zagreb. I got to Croatia by plane Lufhansa from Turin to Munich , where I had to exchange for Zagreb. Near the gate I saw a group of three young people were sitting on benches ravaged airport . They were tired, but smiling . I recognize Andreas  because  he sent me a photo by email before leaving the airport . " Olimpia , how are you ? " - Andreas recognized me ." It's good to meet you here , and not in Zagreb " - I told myself silently , moving me to the group of Andreas , Maria and Natalia . There were two hours to take off, so I sit near to youngsters and start talking . Poor of them, had gone in the evening from Nicosia and they arrived at midnight in Munich . They stood the night in the airport till in the morning at 11 when had a flight to Zagreb."Hello , are you the group for the Seminary ? " ethereal voice is heard behind me. I turned back and I saw a girl from Bulgaria, Ati, young, tall, with an enviable figure and a charming smile . "The pasangers for Zagreb 's wait to the gate number ..." - I heared the voice of the airport employees microphone. We queued for boarding and after a few minutes I was on the plane. Ati was a little scared because it was the first airplane flight. I took her by my side to not feel alone and to give some security.We arived at Zagreb. I hadn't  seee in my life so that publicans killer figures from the airport . Their eyes gaze at you and make you massive physique shivers down my spine . Poor Mary, they didn't   let her go because she had no passport and only identity card . After discussions for an  hour where we all tried to persuade publicans we need to get to the seminar and that Mary was she in our group happy out of the airport. Andreas finds a Croatian driver who treats price . We had to travel 80 km to the Donja Stubica and I think we got down to the end of the seminar. Using the hands and  the signs, especially words, fall to peace 80 euros and we go. We count every cat hat comes, we accepted.The driver did not know English, but he understood where we wanted to go. We were   lucky wirth Ati because she knew speaking Bulgarian and a bit of Russian languages.That was important purpose. On the way, we was getting hungry. Cute food driver stops in front of a village and we rush to buy something . Wed I was thirsty, so I bought two bottles of mineral water, two bananas, chocolate and cheese box. Fortunately, we got in the car and left us "meet in diversity" with other participants in the seminar.Donja Stubica is a village with a few houses and a dream hotel . We paid the taxi and head to the reception. To socialize better, we had shared the room by organizers . I got a Croat, not yet reached . Others that had come and they were with others from other countries. We're each in our rooms to take a shower , unpack and eat something.While arranging my things in the furniture arrived a  lady, closed to my age . "

 " Hello, I'm Kristina , from Croatia" - she told me with a smile and headed to bed remained free . She put her luggage and we start talking . I explained that I'm not Italian , I'm Romanian, but  I'm resident in Italy , which I represent at the seminar. After I chatted a few minutes , she gets a shower ( meanwhile I ate some cheese triangles and drank half a liter of water) and then we got down to reception where we met other participants in the seminar.We began to make acquaintance. Stupor, I'm stuck. They were youngsters from Kosovo, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Netherlands, Malta, Cyprus, Turkey, England, Croatia, Lithuania, Latvia, Hungary, Switzerland, Greece. "All together, butis too much," I said in my mind. See how the war will begin. "Meeting in diversity?" - Hm, I hope I can return safely to Italy..

I never ever imagined knowing the situation of conflict in these countries of the former Yugoslavia found that young people can understand so well. For them there was no conflict, no divergence, only friendship, cooperation and friendship. Moreover, they became friends with others, and when I wanted to participate in group work they took me with them.I had the opportunity to meet Julian, he came from Cyprus and his mother is Romanian and father Cypriot . If you have heard him with how much proude he talked about his maternal grandparents from Romania and about the drink wich burn the throat , it called brandy (TUICA).The seminar gave me more information about European program "Youth in action " and more. I met young people with enthusiasm , imagination. I lbecame more rich than I came.

The last day was the birthday of Sandra from Croatia. Kristina , my roommate , was " guilty " of surprise as we did to Sandra . She ordered a huge tort , and when Sandra entered in the restaurant at lunch we started to sing all "Happy Birthday" . Sandra did not expect a such extreme surprise and we saw happiness on her face. Youth who had never seen , but in a few days were able to make a girl happy that no one knows if they will ever meet , is the signal that there is still hope in  this world. Is not this a sign of unconditional love ? I can say, yes.


We leave to the Monastery Marcus Brasov , Covasna County . One friend of mine told me that at the monastery was a nun , Serafima Comsa , who takes care of 10 children. She took them directly from motherhood in Brasov in 2003 , children were abandoned by their mothers aged 1-7 months. Emilio and I are lovers of children. We thought to make them a joy these souls and get them some candy , clothes , as does any Christian .
It was a beautiful autumn day , when the trees changing their colors like in a picture made by Grigorescu, a Romanian painter. We came with hearts full of emotions. " What reaction have kids ? They will love what we bring them? Does Mother Serafima let us give them our gifts ? " There were questions that crop up in our thoughts as we head towards the monastery. At the gate of the monastery we saw a yellow van (later I was to find that this bus was donated by the school office to help girls reach kindergarten ). We thought too many guests arrived and Mother Serafima will have not time for us. When we entered on the gate of the monastery and we heared the voices of children . Do I happened to go to a monastery and hear the voices of children . The feeling I had was that we were in heaven. Ten girls about the age of five , six years come across. " Have you come to visit us? " Ask one of our friendly girls. If we wait , and his eyes were full of love and joy. " Yes , I replied to the girl . " "Mother, came to visit us ! ," - says the girl opening the door to the guest room located at the entrance of the house . The other girls were playing in special space in the garden.Mother Serafima had guests, but for a few moments she got out to greet us . With a gentle smile says : "Please wait a few minutes to me . I have a family visit and after i finish talking , I'll come to talk with you ." Late autumn sun warmed our souls . We are in a place where happiness was at home . I watched the girls and enjoy the scenery that they offered. I read something on the internet about the monastery and now I remember Mother Serafima that she gave everything. Begging in railway stations and churches, bear humiliation and harsh words . Working to exhaustion , side by side with men. The place stood the monastery was called Nuns Glade Angels , as foretold many years ago Father Arsenie Boca , when he came to visit this region. And Nicoleta, Mihaela ,Maria, Petruta , Anna, Elena , Stefan, Maria , Alexandra , Anna , Andrew and Ana -Maria are Angels of  Marcus Monastery . Orphan Girls . That was orphaned . For them Mom 's who you increase not who makes . And Mother Abbess Serafima is the Mother of 10 children .In finally , mother got out of the house , accompanying guests to the door . " Come in , excuse me , it's not nice to let you wait " - says nun and cravings in their guest room . Rams girls were out to play, we could hear voices coming from another joyful. Another mother came and asked us if can she bring us coffee and some sweet . We said that we came to bring them some gifts to little girls and make a donation to the monastery. Gentle and tender voice says: " God bless you for your endeavor ." No wonder ,Serafima mother starts to tell us the story of these girls." Alexandra had pus in the ear for that maternity and she had a bottle neck tie and all the milk dripping from her neck and into her ear. Flesh was filled with pus. Their mothers abandoned them in the hospital , with all their diseases , along with the beauty and purity of newborn children . Maria Alexandra had surgery at the eyes . I remember Mary's feet were so fragile , the rickets , I did not believe that he will ever return and will be able to go . We baptized and God wanted them to live . Anna is 6 years old . She was found in a barn and miraculously saved by a family that was sitting there and heard her cries . Knows no other home than the monastery . Ana just past 6 years. "I know why I'm here. Stork who did wrong to me. My mother threw me in the hospital. You know, I left the road . Mom tells me that the monastery should forgive . I am angry with my mother . I don't love her and I will not forgive . "Tears came in our eyes . We should sit down on knees and kiss the hands of those who had the courage to take care of  these 10 girls.
Father Nil, professor of geography, took care until the end of his days as a confessor of the monastery these angels, but God took him in November 27, 2012. Maybe that's up there with Father Arsenie Boca still watching these angels on earth. I left the monastery with joy that I was in heaven for a few minutes.


Man with accordions

I met Dorota , my Polish partner of this project, a year ago, in Spain, at an international seminar . It was a sensation that was created between us since that time. We kept in touch and after about an year she sent me an email asking me if I wanted to find an Italian partner for the project. Of course I found it and I went in early March in Poland with 4 young Italian members of an association of theater from Turin , Viartisti Theatre . The weather in March is capricious in Poland. Wind was blowing from all the sides , the cold froze and froze the blood. The activities of the project were held at  60 km away from Warsaw, in the city Bursuki , in the middle of a forest like in  a dream in a location decorated with everything. The project partners were youngsters together with their leaders from Italy , Georgia, Tunisia , Ireland and Poland .

The partners in every day , they had to prepare the menu for three meals and present their alphabet in an original way . On the first day were the Irish, the second day Georgia ( group arrived a day late due to the snow that blocked the air traffic to the airport in Minsk) , Tunisia and Italy presented on the third day , and Poland , as host country was the last . There were a total of 27 young people who have seen their lives and that they were able to make friends very quickly , and work together as they knew each other of a lifetime. I've never seen  since I work in European projects  a group so cohesive . It 's interesting to live and work a week in another country , with another young people from different countries and to realize that in reality , they are all perfectly normal beings , they have the same dreams , the same hopes and desires .
Maybe that's why I've always liked to be surrounded by young people who have a contagious enthusiasm . The young Italian  presented an excerpt from the show " Piccirida " in Italian. It was about a young girl who was part of a crime family in southern Italy, and that she died because she did not want to be part of that family , denouncing his brothers and his father. Including abuse of his mother because he had the courage to denounce the family. The story of this young girl went out of Italy, pulling tears of an audience that has heard the emotions conveyed by the four actors , Ivan , Paola , Luca and Francesca, without knowing the meaning of words in Italian .

 What could be more beautiful than to experience the thrill beyond words ? Why the man with the accordion ? Because I met last day of stay in Poland , in the central square in Warsaw. For me, this was the final conclusion of the project "A street actor , a parrot and a barrel organ expressing a perfect harmony between everyday life , past and future, between generations, nations and cultures. "


Uomo con organetti

Ho conosciuta Dorota, il mio partner polaco di questo progetto, un anno fa, in Spagna, ad un seminario internazionale. Era una sensazione che si è stata creata tra noi da quel momento. Siamo rimaste in contatto e dopo circa un anno mi ha inviato una mail che mi chiedeva se volevo trovare un partner italiano per il progetto. Naturalmente l'ho trovato e sono patita ai primi di marzo in Polonia con 4 giovani italiani membri di un'associazione di teatro da Torino, Viartisti Teatro. Il tempo di marzo è capriccioso in Polonia. Vento soffiava da tutte le parti, il freddo congelava e ghiacciava il sangue. Le attività del progetto si sono svolte  a 60 km di distanza di Varsavia, nella città Bursuki, nel mezzo di una foresta da sognare in una location decorata con tutto. I partner del progetto erano i giovani insieme ai capigruppo dalla Italia, Georgia, Tunisia, Irlanda e Polonia.

I partner, in ogni giorno, hanno dovuto preparare menù per tre pasti e presentare il loro alfabeto in modo originale. Il primo giorno sono stati gli irlandesi, il secondo giorno la Georgia (gruppo è arrivato un giorno di ritardo a causa della neve che ha bloccato il traffico aereo per l'aeroporto di Minsk), la Tunisia e l'Italia hanno presentato il terzo giorno, e la Polonia, come paese ospitante è rimasto alla fine. Ci sono stati un totale di 27 giovani che hanno visto la loro vita e che sono stati in grado di fare amicizia molto rapidamente, a lavorare insieme come si conoscevano da una vita. Non mi è mai stato dato da quando io lavoro in progetti europei e di vedere un gruppo così coeso. E 'interessante in cui vivere e lavorare una settimana in un altro paese, con altri giovani di diverse nazioni e di rendersi conto che in realtà, sono tutti esseri perfettamente normali , hanno i stessi sogni, le stesse speranze e i desideri.

Forse è per questo che mi è sempre piaciuto essere circondata dai giovani che hanno un entusiasmo contagioso . I giovani italiani hano presentato un estratto dallo spettacolo " Piccirida " in italiano. Si trattava di una giovane ragazza che faceva parte di una famiglia criminale del sud Italia , e che è morta perché non aveva voglia di essere parte di quella famiglia , denunciando i fratelli e il padre . Incluso l'abuso della madre perché aveva il coraggio di denunciare la famiglia. La storia di questa giovane andò fuori d'Italia , tirando lacrime di un pubblico che ha sentito le emozioni trasmesse dai quattro attori , Ivan , Paola , Luca e Francesca , senza conoscere il significato delle parole in italiano . Cosa c'è di più bello che vivere le emozioni oltre le parole? Perchè l'uomo con l'organetto ? Perché l'ho incontrato nel ultimo giorno di permanenza in Polonia , la piazza centrale di Varsavia . Per me , questa immagine è stata la conclusione finale del progetto " Un attore di strada , un pappagallo e un organetto esprimono una perfetta armonia tra la vita di tutti i giorni, passato e futuro, tra le generazioni, nazioni e culture . "