duminică, 5 februarie 2017




It's the day of cleaning, so let's go to work. I'm beginning to sweep the dust of oblivion that was placed in thickly. It is time for cleaning. Armed with patience, sleeves rolled up starting to brush my carefully thoughts, memories, tears, loves, regrets, sorrows, joys. I climb on a chair and try to give  down the  melancholy, ah ... I see in the corner a thread of disease.I'm  brooming and dustpanning diligently gathering together all what I believe it has no place in my soul. But  sweeping and wiping the night has come, cool moon  sent her arrows to the door of my soul. How to dustbin was long way of me, I put near of  my soul's door the shovel with dirt tears, worries, sufferings, memories of old, unfulfilled love and all that I have gathered to throw. Poor of them, but they didn't want  to leave me so they asked for help to the moon , which as  a witch, listened to them and what to see .... morning when I got up I ran to the door to finish the cleaning but there tehy were waiting for me in the doorway rows and rows of scented lilies  and "don't forget me" flowers ... The Master moon  had done this and so since then is knocking at the door whenever I feel in my soul a breeze through of lily  and "don't forget me" flowers  and then I cry and thus always wet them, and always they enter in my soul and everything is starting again. Today  I'm  cleaning, and  you?

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